Our vision is to raise up an Apostolic & Prophetic, ruling & governing territorial church in our city. We want to mobilize a strong prayer movement and raise a company of reformers that will bring transformation. Ultimately we want to fulfil the great commission through evangelism, church planting and missions.


Our vision is to raise up an Apostolic and Prophetic, ruling and governing territorial Church. 

Mobilize a strong Prayer Movement
To Usher the end time Revival Movement
To Fulfill the great commission – Harvest and Church Planting Movement


Our mission is to build a covenant family where love flows, a training centre where a community of believers are trained to heal the hurting people.  


To Build A Covenant Family Where Love Flows
A Training Centre Where Disciples Grow
A Missions Outreach Where We Will Win Soul

New Life’s Call

New Life Global Outreach is a Kingdom Community that exist  to equip and train every believer for the work of the ministry and to impact nations. We desire to be a healing and deliverance centre where miracles will be a lifestyle, hurts are healed, relationships restored, vision harnessed and where people come to be transformed to be a blessing to the world.  The manifestation of Kingdom lifestyle, Kingdom culture and Kingdom governance is the aim of New Life Global Outreach. 

1. A  Family Church

A place where love flows freely in caring ,sharing and understanding one another. Strong family relationships are built where there will be trust, respect and honour irrespective of race , color and social status. This is achieved through the corporate celebration  services and covenant house churches where spiritual relationships are enhanced and enriched in an atmosphere of love and care.

2. A Training Centre

A training centre where  strong leadership and relational discipleship is a lifestyle and where believers are equipped, activated and released into the harvest field to preach the Gospel with signs and wonders following. 


3. A Global Outreach ( Church Foreign Policy)

Training and equipping Apostolic teams with the heartbeat of God to heed the call to teach the Word to the nations and to invest our lives and resources to send Apostolic teams to the nations.

Prophetic  Significance and Purpose

New Life

The Life of  God within us made us a new creation. Old things have passed away; all things have become new ( 2 Cor 5:17) He has given us a new heart and put a new spirit in us (Eze 36:26).


To fulfill the great commission of Jesus, a community of breakthrough believers with the global mindset to reach every people and cultural group. A church without limits , not culturally bound but multiracial (Matt 28:19).


Evangelism, church planting and mission are an integral part of our mandate as an Apostolic Church. We are local yet global. Every believer is challenged and trained to become global Christians. Nations are  a priority in our praying, giving and teaching
Our Philosophy and Core Values
A Covenant Family

New Life Global Outreach is a Kingdom Community that exist  equip and train every believer for the work of the ministry and to reach impact nations based on the Great Commission. Jesus Said “ Therefor, go and make disciples of all the nations, ....” (Matthew 28:19). New Life is a place where Kingdom lifestyle is taught, Kingdom Culture is practised and Kingdom governance is paramount.

The church is the greatest expression of God’s kingdom. We are raising sons who will influence and impact our city and the nations. We build so that each can be properly fit in the body so that each may supply his grace in God’s Kingdom Community. 
We teach Biblical truths and Kingdom principles and we emphasize on Kingdom lifestyle. The present day truth is preached and practiced. We give priority to Prophetic worship and Prophetic decrees. We create an atmosphere of love and acceptance as relationship is more important than ministry.

Corporate Culture

A family concept with emphasis on spiritual ties as opposed to soul ties. We demolish old mind sets and establish new Kingdom mindsets to embrace the Apostolic Reformation Move of God taking place on the face of the earth today. The internal order of the operating system of our ministry is loyalty and covenant relationships. We develop mutual trust and respect for one another regardless of race, color and social status. This serves to undergird this family relationship. There is no gender bias, no age barriers and traditions to serving God. Our worship services are vibrant and militant. Breakthrough Prophetic Worship is spontaneous with freedom of expression. Hospitality and serving one another is practiced as a lifestyle.
Governing and Territorial

NLGO believes in governmental decrees and declaration to cause a change to occur in the spiritual realm followed by the natural realm.
